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New York: “Moderate” Muslim Beheads Wife

–  My Take  –

Well I guess the question is finally answered; what is a moderate Muslim?  This guy was as ‘moderate’ as it gets to anyone who follows Mohamed and the Koran. ?????? ???? ?????? [1]   He even started a TV station to to combat negative perceptions of Muslims.   Oh yea, it was his wife’s idea to spread the word about Islam! ?????? ??????? [2]    So as any ‘good’ imam will tell you; ‘there are no moderate Muslims, only Muslims.’

New York: Founder and CEO of Muslim TV channel beheads wife

Posted by Robert Spencer on February 13, 2009


Bridges TV founder and Chief Executive Muzzammil Hassan founded the TV network in 2004. According to a Reuters story at that time [4], “his wife came up with the idea in December 2001 while listening to the radio on a road trip.”:

“Some derogatory comments were being made about Muslims that offended her,” Hassan told Reuters ahead of Tuesday’s launch. “She was seven months pregnant, and she thought she didn’t want her kids growing up in this environment.”

So he founded Bridges TV to combat negative perceptions of Muslims.

But now that he has beheaded his wife, I’m afraid this prominent moderate Muslim will only be feeding those negative perceptions. ???? ????? [5]

“Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife,” by Gene Warner for the Buffalo News, February 13 (thanks to Jon):

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