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The Masters



We write the laws, we interpret the laws, we administer the laws.  We decide if and when the laws are constitutional.

We decide if and when they apply to us and if and when they apply to you. casino888 [2]    We control your local, state and federal governments.

We decide how much of your paycheck we will keep.  We decide who is a criminal and who is not.

We decide what is moral and what is not.

and since

We all went to Law School

We are much smarter than you and therefore we will decide what is best for you and what is best for America.

Don’t blame us, thanks to your ignorance, we now control the greatest nation in the world. ???? ????? ???? [3]

But we’re not interested in The Character, The Class, and The Glory That is/was The United States of America

We are interested in something far more noble and deserving; Us.

So just keep working and paying us your taxes.

And when you vote don’t worry about which party you vote in. ?????? ??? [4]

We control them too.

So stop your questioning and complaining and just keep voting us into office.

You are indeed ‘Useful Idiots’

Thank You

The Lawyers

AKA:  democrats, republicans, independents, liberals, conservatives, progressives, politicians,