When was the last time you heard a “conservative” leader with a high media profile speak out against what can only be described as the pervasive glorification of the homosexual culture in our schools, media, entertainment industry, Madison Avenue and, of course, government in all of its forms?
Posted August 19, 2010 by Joseph Farrah
Today I write with a new reason: “Conservatives” don’t recognize sin when they see it. Nearly the entire “conservative” establishment, such as it is, fears even mentioning this word or acknowledging its existence. And, I’m afraid, without that recognition, this is a movement that is hopelessly lost. ???? [2]
Let’s take the issue of homosexuality. ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? [3]
In the Judeo-Christian biblical worldview, there can be no doubt that homosexual behavior is a sin – even a particularly grave sin in God’s eyes, one He characterizes as “an abomination.” God’s Word is unequivocal on that point – New Testament or Old.
Yet, increasingly it seems, American “conservatives” are shy about calling this sin what it is. They also seem oblivious to the societal costs of affirming homosexual behavior as acceptable, normal and morally and legally equivalent to heterosexual behavior – sexually transmitted diseases, gender confusion among children, the breakdown of traditional marriage and the family unit, child molestations, military cohesiveness, the spread of moral relativism and, as history has shown, cultural decay.
When was the last time you heard a “conservative” leader with a high media profile speak out against what can only be described as the pervasive glorification of the homosexual culture in our schools, media, entertainment industry, Madison Avenue and, of course, government in all of its forms?
There are a few, to be sure – Pat Buchanan and Michael Savage come to mind. ???? ???? ??? ???? [4] Any others?
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