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Plenty of time for Islam – No Time for Patriots

This is an easy one to categorize; ‘The First Muslim President’.  It could become tied with the ‘This is Islam’ category as having the most supporting evidence.   Of course we all know about the 10 young American soldiers who risked their lives for our freedom and were rewarded with prison time.

You mean you didn’tt know?  I understand, since most of the media time is being spent trying to get sympathy for Islam, the ideology that wishes us (the infidels) dead.  Makes sense, doesn’t it?  Well it really does when you consider that The President of the United States is named Barack Hussein Obama and he has time for dinners with Muslims at the White House but no time for the Boy Scouts 100th anniversary or these soldiers sitting in prison, in America!

Rally Supports ‘Leavenworth 10’

Posted by KMBC September 4, 2010

LEAVENWORTH, Kan. — Dozens of people from across the country came to Leavenworth on Saturday to show support for 10 soldiers and Marines they feel have been wronged.The people, known as the Leavenworth 10, are incarcerated at the Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks for crimes the military said they committed in Iraq.

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