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Move over, Jimmy Carter!

–  My Take  –

Not sure why the election of 2008 was so depressing for me.  So many reasons.  I never care what party wins.  In fact, there’s a good argument now to eliminate the 2 party system and design an election structure fitting for the country that landed a man on the moon and brought the world into the modern era.   If I had a weaker resolve,  Prozac would have become a daily ritual starting on November 4, 2008.   I mean my father had always told me “remember son, there is no justice in this world”.  OK he’s right on a lot of counts, if not most of them.  But I have always refused to accept it.  The election of BHO slapped me in the face with this reality and till this day it feels like its just been one continuous Twilight Zone episode.  And unlike another now famous person, for the first time in my life I was ashamed of my country.  As Mr. Smith says about Obama  in his article; “If his true depth of incompetence were revealed by an inquisitive reporter, not enchanted by his wiles, America would be the laughing stock of the world for electing him.” But because of the color of his skin and the gullibility and irresponsibility of an unqualified electorate, he won the election.  And for 18 months now he has denigrated the Presidency, our constitution, our country and maybe most important of all, the American spirit.


Here’s Craig R. Smiths’ taked:

Move over, Jimmy Carter!

Posted by Craig R. Smith on September 13, 2010

It is a good thing the media have elected to cover for President Obama, our first affirmative action president. If his true depth of incompetence were revealed by an inquisitive reporter, not enchanted by his wiles, America would be the laughing stock of the world for electing him.

Mr. Obama has broken campaign promise after promise, deceived the public about his desire for bipartisanship in Washington, and he has not been the post racial president he promised to be.

Bipartisanship to Mr. Obama is both sides of the aisle doing whatever he tells them to do. When he was asked Friday at his press conference about changing the tone in D.C., his answer could be summed up in a few words: Shut up, sit down and don’t expect any open discussion. He has already made up everyone’s mind for them. He won the election, and he is not going to let anyone forget.  ….

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