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Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah

–  My Take  –

You know it’s one thing for the ‘Good Guys’ to ‘not get the writing on the wall’.  BUT no longer do we need to interpret the ‘writing on the wall’, now there’s ‘videos on the wall’.    Yes, true reality as it happens in full color with sound.   There no longer can be any excuses.   This enemy of civilization must be publicly named and proclaimed ‘persona non Grata’  by every nation and every decent human being.

So we declare it ‘unconstitutional’ to pray in school but it’s OK to take our children to a Mosque and pray with Islam?   Whoever OK’d this disgraceful stunt should not only be fired, he should be deported.  What’s really frightening is that we have people this damn stupid ‘educating’ our children!

Here’s the story from Americans for Peace and Tolerance:

School Trip to “Moderate” Mosque: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Today, Americans for Peace and Tolerance released a video showing 6th graders from Wellesley, MA as they rise from prostrating themselves alongside Muslim men in a prayer to Allah while on a public school field trip to the largest mosque in the Northeast.  Teachers did not intervene. Parents have not been told.

The video was taken inside the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center – Boston’s controversial Saudi-funded mega-mosque – during a Wellesley Middle School social studies trip to the mosque, ostensibly taken to learn about the history of Islam first-hand. Yet the video reveals that the students are being blatantly mis-educated about Islam.

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