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King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for President?

–  My Take  –

Well I thought I’d never say this after the experience with BHO the first Muslim President,  but just maybe a Muslim President is what we need to wake up America!  Nah, never mind.  I’m just impressed about this King over in Bahrain and how he ‘gets it’.    And to think, his country never had 3000 people slaughtered in one day.   The truth is that some people can read the writing on the wall while others can watch the video and still ‘not get it’.   Take a lesson from this guy America.

Here’s Robert Spencer’s Take:

Bahrain’s king an “Islamophobe”? Warns that he will target mosques

Posted by Robert Spencer on September 20, 2010

BAGHDAD (AP) — Bahrain’s king warned that mosques would be key targets in sweeps against suspected Shiite dissent in his tiny Gulf nation and vital U.S. ally. The first blow was a big one: stripping the citizenship of a powerful Shiite cleric with close ties to Iraq before next month’s parliamentary elections….


In a blunt message last month, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa said “religious forums” would come under scrutiny by authorities. This was an unmistakable reference to Shiite religious leaders seen as fueling the clashes and demonstrations that began in August after security forces arrested a top Shiite political activist….

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