– My Take –
On August 20, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson (Georgetown Law School) signed the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Now for the first time, a woman didn’t need a husband to support her and her baby. ???? ???? ?????? [1] Now for the first time, immorality and procreation outside the family were enabled and financed by the government. Now for the first time, more and more children would grow up without a father. On August 20, 1964 the welfare state was born and started its long destructive path directly down the middle of the American culture.
[2] Thank You LBJ, the repercussions of your ignorance has destroyed neighborhoods, cities and families now for over 50 years. 70 percent illegitimacy rate among blacks (90 percent in some inner cities). ” The nation is becoming divided into two nations; not a nation of the rich and the poor, but a nation of the married and the unmarried bearing children” (*) [3]. Eighty-five percent of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a fatherless home. I could go on and on but you get the picture and I’m sure your probably sick of hearing about anyway.
By the way. Please tell me why we spend hundreds of millions of dollars on commissions and studies and reports just to be retold how destructive welfare and the subsidizing of the single parent family is. ???? ??? ???? ??????? [4] The only reaction is to fund another report.
So it is in 2010, 46 years after LBJ made a decision that was the antithesis of the American spirit and attitude, the good citizens of the United States watch as their culture and their country near bankruptcy financially and morally. Thanks LBJ (Georgetown Law School) . See GLOOG [5]
Here’s a recent article that exposes this travesty along with one that offers answers and hope.
Marriage: America’s greatest fiscal issue
Posted by David R. Usher and Missouri Rep. Cynthia Davis on October 7, 2010
Marriage is one of the five most important issues of the 2010 elections. It will remain a controlling factor in the American dilemma until some form of the
“10 Marriage Policies to rebuild America” [6]is enacted at federal and state levels.
Why? Marriage-absence is driving federal and state deficits. Health-care coverage, personal bankruptcy and home-loan defaults are infrequent problems for married couples. 888 ?????? [7] Children raised in intact families are the last to get in trouble, flunk out of school, join a gang, have babies, become chronic substance abusers, commit crimes, or grow up to be criminals.
Social spending is by far the largest line and fastest-growing item in federal and state budgets. Social spending does not put out fires, nor does it save the starfish. It buys another round of marriage-absence and deficits.
Consider Missouri, which is in much better shape than many other states, but typical in its spending priorities:
The direct cost of marriage-absence to taxpayers in Missouri is $1 billion to $1.5 billion per year. Missouri had 23,299 divorces in 2009, each costing the state at least $18,000 per year, and as much as $27,600 annually, depending on the analysis applied. Out-of-wedlock births add another 33,543 cases at similar cost. …
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