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Mom’s Resume’

–  My Take  –

I’ve always been of the opinion that a mother had the toughest job and should therefore be the most respected and admired of the ‘workforce’. Thank You ‘Harriet Winslow’ for making my point so dramatically and so professionally. This segment from Family Matters is the best presentation on Motherhood in recent memory.

–  Full Disclosure  –  “Family Matters”  is a TV series that ran from 1989 – 1998.   My wife and I started watching it around 1994.  Till this day we still watch this show only now with our children.  We have it recorded so just about every night we watch it.   Just guessing, we must have watched each episode at least 10-20 times and we still enjoy them.   So this stat alone makes this my favorite family TV series ever.  (And I’ve been around since Father Knows Best.”)

“Family Matters” is an American classic.  A wholesome, funny and entertaining family TV series that is destined to be enjoyed long after most other series have been forgotten.  This clip is just one example of how American traditions, morals and character were always an integral part of this great family series.   Enjoy.