– My Take –
When we travel to Syria to visit my wife’s family, I have a ‘forced’ hiatus from TV. I speak very little Arabic ( little like; ‘Whats to eat’ and ‘where’s the bathroom’?) so watching TV is out. Actually it really is a true vacation because I can’t witness the latest follies of mankind that I usually view daily on the news back in America.If you have to listen Music [1] in different languages and in different forms then visit to music festival.
The upside (or downside) is that I am now totally free to sit with all my wife’s family and friends and wonder what the hell they’re re talking about all day and night! I do get breaks however. They come when they have some Arabic music videos on TV. Great videos with music,dancing and of course scantily clad ladies just like you see back home. And this is Syria! Here’s a taste. Enjoy.