– My Take –
Shariah dictates that non-Muslims be given three choices: convert to Islam and conform to shariah; submit as second-class citizens (dhimmis); or be killed.
Any Questions?
Just on this fact alone, Islam itself should be considered a terrorist organization. And like any terrorist organization, it should be identified wherever it is and eliminated. Not to do so is no different than to have allowed Nazi Germany to exist and continue to kill and conquer in today’s world. The word is ‘suicidal’.
Anyone who wants to understand the threat of Islam to America needs to read the Center For Security Policy‘s new report Shariah: The Threat to America.
Anyone who wants to serve in the Federal Government should have to read this and then be tested on it before they can be sworn in.
[1]‘This study is the result of months of analysis, discussion and drafting by a group of top security policy experts concerned with the preeminent totalitarian threat of our time: the legal-political-military doctrine known within Islam as “shariah.” It is designed to provide a comprehensive and articulate “second opinion” on the official characterizations and assessments of this threat as put forth by the United States government. The authors, under the sponsorship of the Center for Security Policy, have modeled this work on an earlier “exercise in competitive analysis” which came to be known as the “Team B” Report. The present Team B II report is based entirely on unclassified, readily available sources. As with the original Team B analysis, however, this study challenges the assumptions underpinning the official line in the conflict with today’s totalitarian threat, which is currently euphemistically described as “violent extremism,” and the policies of co-existence, accommodation and submission that are rooted in those assumptions.’
NewsReal Blog will be featuring excerpts from this report. Here’s their first Excerpt:
• The United States is under attack by foes who are openly animated by what is known in Islam as shariah (Islamic law). According to shariah, every faithful Muslim is obligated to wage jihad (whether violent or not) against those who do not adhere to this comprehensive, totalitarian, political-military code. The en- emy’s explicit goal is to establish a global Islamic state, known as the caliphate, governed by shariah.
• Shariah is based on the Quran (held by all Muslims to be the “uncreated” word of Allah as dictated to Mohammed), hadiths (sayings of Mohammed) and agreed interpretations. It commands Muslims to carry out jihad (holy war) in- definitely until all of the Dar al-Harb (i.e., the House of War, where shariah is not enforced) is brought under the domination of Dar al-Islam (the House of Is- lam – or literally the House of Submission, where shariah is enforced).
• Shariah dictates that non-Muslims be given three choices: convert to Islam and conform to shariah; submit as second-class citizens (dhimmis); or be killed. ….
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