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A Town Called Pilsen

–  The Bottom Line  –

Always like that joke about the American asking the Frenchman if he speaks German;
    American:  "Do You Speak German?"   –     Frenchman:  "No. bet365 sports [1] "   –   American:  "You're welcome."

I sit here watching my 8 year old son at football practice, what can I do but to look to the sky and Thank God for the blessing of a son and the opportunity to watch him grow before my eyes.   My thoughts drift to those who never had the chance to experience this special gift that most of us take for granted.

World War I and II cost America too many of it's greatest assests; men and women who without hesitation, volunteered to fight so that all could live on to experience life's blessings.   Across Europe thousands of these young soldiers lie in graves in testimony to this. ????? ????? ??????? [2]     

One can only be bewildered  at how many of these countries just forgot the sacrifice these great Americans made.  Most of them were so young that their lives had barely begun.  Never experienced a wife, or kids or the great successes that only America had to offer.   Never sat in the park and watched their son struggle to be like "Mean Joe Greene" when he has been taught to always be a gentleman.

So when you read about a town in Europe that has the soul and the gratitude to understand the sacrifice of those 'strangers' from America,  you have to pause, wipe the tear from your eye and again be proud to be an American and proud that you live in a world that fortunately is dominated by 'the silent majority', – The Good Guys.

Please read it and send it out so all can have the pleasure of this message…

This is an email I received from Chuck at http://www.iwishihaditmyway.com/  :

When I was stationed and later employed in Germany between 1958- 2001 (3 military tours and 3 Civil Service tours), I had two occasions to see this firsthand. As a member of the VFW-Europe at the time, we were frequently the guests of honor at their parades.  Great people, and had a great time!  This is also the town where ‘pilsner’ beer came from.

A Town Called Pilsen

Have you ever wondered if anyone in Europe remembers America 's sacrifice in World War II?  There is an answer in a small town in the Czech Republic , in the town called Pilsen ( Plzen ). [3]
Every 5 years, Pilsen conducts the Liberation Celebration of  the City of Pilsen in the Czech Republic ..     May 6th, 2010, marked the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Pilsen by General George Patton's 3rd Army. Pilsen  is the town that every American should visit.  Why?  Because they love America and the American Soldier…
Even 65 years later… by the thousands, The citizens of Pilsen came to say thank you.

[4] [5]
      Lining  the streets of Pilsen for miles –
      From the large crowds,


  to quiet reflective   moments,

[7]including this American family's private time to honor and remember their American hero.

This is the crash site of Lt. Virgil P. Kirkham, the last recorded American USAAF pilot killed in Europe during WWII. It was Lt. Kirkham's 82nd mission and one that he volunteered to go on. At the time, this 20-year-old pilot's P-47 Thunderbolt plane was shot down, a young 14-year-old Czech girl, Zdenka Sladkova, was so moved by his sacrifice she made a vow to care for him and his memory.

For 65 straight years, Zdenka, now 79-years-old, took on the responsibility to care for Virgil's crash site and memorial near her home.
[8]On May 4th, she was recognized by the Mayor of Zdenka's home town of Trhanova , Czech Republic , for her sacrifice and extraordinary effort to honor this American hero.

Another chapter in this important story… the Czech people are teaching their children about America's sacrifice for their freedom.
American Soldiers, young and old, are the ''Rock Stars'' these children and their parents want autographs from.
Yes, Rock Stars! As they patiently waited for his autograph, the respect this little Czech boy and his father have for our troops serving today was heartwarming and inspirational.

[9] [10]

[11]The Brian LaViolette Foundation established The Scholarship of Honor in tribute to General George S. Patton and the American Soldier, past and present.
Each year, a different military hero will be honored in tribute to General Patton's memory and their mission toliberate Europe . This award will be presented to a graduating senior who will be entering the military or a form of community service such as fireman, policeman, teaching or nursing – – – a cause greater than self. The student will be from 1 of the 5 high schools in Pilsen ,Czech Republic ..

[12]The first award will be presented in May 2011 in honor of Lt. Virgil Kirkham, that young 20-year-old P-47 pilot killed 65 years ago in the final days of WWII.








Presenting Virgil's award will be someone who knows the true meaning of service and sacrifice… someone who looks a lot like Virgil. Marion Kirkham, Virgil's brother, who himself served during WWII in the United States Army Air Corps!!! ?????? ??????? [14]

In closing… Here is what the city of Pilsen thinks of General Patton's grandson. George Patton Waters (another Rock Star!) we're proud to say, serves on Brian's Foundation board.

[16]and it's front page news over there. not buried in the middle of the social section.


[17]Brigadier General Miroslav Zizka – 1st Deputy Chief of Staff, Ministry of Defense, Czech Armed Forces.

[18]Notice the flags?

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