–  The Bottom Line  –

When all the candidates and lawyer politicians are speaking out of both sides of their mouth and patronizing the naive and uninformed electorate, how refreshing is it to hear Newt Gingrich.

When everyone else is running around reading teleprompters,  how refreshing is it to hear Newt Gingrich.

When everyone who runs for office is spouting the standard stale talking points, how refreshing is it to hear Newt Gingrich offer solid solutions based on years of research and experience, detailed and documented for all voters to see.

When all are so void of creativity when it comes to policy and leadership, how refreshing is to hear Newt Gingrich.

When all are avoiding naming radical Islam as our enemy and afraid to offend this cult of mass murderers, how refreshing is to hear Newt Gingrich. ????? ??? ????

When no others have the courage to stand up to the establishment for fear of losing their party nomination, how refreshing is to hear Newt Gingrich.

When most never pay attention to our history and our Constitution, how refreshing is it to hear Newt Gingrich. ????? ????????? ????????

When no others have the courage to stand up to the anti-American values and propaganda of the main stream media, how refreshing is to hear Newt Gingrich.

When our culture and our government is slowly being  being destroyed by an inept, inexperienced,  anti-religious and narcissistic lawyer class, how refreshing is it to hear Newt Gingrich. ????? ??????? ??? ???

When America's great Judeo-Christian foundation is being decimated by a minority of perverts, atheists and fascist progressives, how refreshing is it to hear Newt Gingrich.

When that ‘shining city upon the hill’  is almost extinguished, how refreshing would it be to have someone who was there before to once again re-ignite that beacon of light that is America.



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