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Shocker! – America’s #1 Whore is a Lawyer.

–  The Bottom Line  –

If Sandra Fluke desires to bed every man and woman at Georgetown University, it's her business.   Also I have no opinion on contraceptives other than the only person paying for it should be the person(s) using it. 

Anyone who understands the liberal progressives modus operandi will realize this is not about contraceptives, it's about the breakdown of the American culture and traditions disguised once again as 'women's rights.A Must Read Book: [1]


The only time we should care about someone's personal behavior is when it negatively effects our society or our family.  If she wants to be a whore that is her right.   For sure I have no claim of being a saint when I was in college.  But I would never even speak about anything to my friends rather alone the Congress of The United States and a national TV audience!

But Sandra Fluke, through her public statements, has shown her total disregard for America's traditional values, and as Bill Clinton did, has negatively influenced many naive children.   And that makes her a public whore who endangers our culture and the sanctity of our children.  

So she has invited all criticisms, not just the ones dictated by the PC police? 

What else can be said of a female who has the audacity to go before Congress and tell a national audience that she wants the taxpayers to subsidize her for her being a whore?  

World English Dictionary :

whore -  noun  1. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse usually for money or with the expectation of financial subsidy for engaging in the act of sex.

She actually testified that she is having so much sex that she can not afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them!!!!

“Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy,” Fluke said, referring to the fact that the university doesn’t pay for contraception. ??????? ?????? [2] “Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school.”  –  Sandra Fluke

I bet she graduates with honors from Georgetown Law school.  After all, that's what law schools have been doing now for decades; making narcissistic, unethical whores out of law students and unleashing their soulless greed as a deadly cancer on American values and traditions.

Couldn't finish this video.  Almost barfed on my laptop.  Hope you have a better stomach…

Warning: Adult Content:  I just can't resist the joke that this story reminds me of;
A sexy woman walks into a nightclub and sits next to a man at the bar.  After a few minutes she looks him right in the face and says; " I'll fuck you anywhere, any time, and any place."  The man with no expression at all on his face looks at her and asks; "What law firm do you work for?"

Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control, Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate