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The Death of English

–  The Bottom Line  –

Actually the English language died on AUGUST 17, 1998 [1]when Bill Clinton, the then Lawyer in Chief,  let it be known that lawyers would define the English language which obviously then would give them total control over anyone and anything using it.

Fast Forward to 2012.  It is now becoming unrecognizable.  Here's a few examples related just to one story; Shocker! – America’s #1 Whore is a Lawyer. [2]   Here's the English is question:

World English Dictionary :

whore -  noun  1. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse usually for money or with the expectation of financial subsidy for engaging in the act of sex.

If you read the post above, you will understand the story and appreciate these examples of how they may as well just throw out all the English Dictionaries and issue the New PC Dictionary.

The word and description 'whore' as defined above, now has new and various meanings;

Bill O'Reilly on Fox News:  "an active, healthy social life"

Townhall Tipsheet:   "Georgetown Law Student/Feminist/Victim"

The Blaze:   "the Georgetown law student"  (Then all the students are in same category??)

The Atlantic Wire:  "Contraceptive Advocate"

Wikipedia:  "American Feminist Activist"

What and who were officially understood as being described by the word 'whore', are now defined or described totally different then when the English language was used.    

Of course this is just one example.

How about this one ??…….

Mirriam-Websters Dictionary:

gayadj. \ – a: happily excited : merry b: keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits

To all of you who wonder how we keep losing control of our country and our culture.  It's actually been pretty simple for 'the bad guys' – If you can control the language, you control the people…
A Must Read Book: [3]
