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Memorial Day with Alan West

Who better to speak on this Day than a 20 year Veteran and a voice of American patriotism and excellence.

Lt. Col. Allen West reminding us of all the troops we are remembering today that have served this country faithfully and admirably, having sacrificed everything so we could be free.  

God Bless all American Heroes – Let Us Never Forget.



Everyone, everywhere on the earth, should see this, and be reminded of the Sacrifice made by Americans for the cause of Freedom and Justice.

No words can describe the deep emotion these photos bring.   These are America's sons and brothers and fathers and grandfathers.  "Greater love than this no man hath, than a man lay down his life for his friends."
We cannot allow their sacrifice to have been in vain.  We must have courage and hold high those principles and ideals for which they gave their very lives.
American Heroes That Never Came Home [3]
So That We Would Never Have To Leave Home [3]
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