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Once Upon a Time…

“Once upon a time, 75-80 percent of the members of Congress were men that had served in combat, served in a uniform. I think this country would be even greater if we went back and tapped that resource of those men and women who have raised their right hand and were willing to lay down their lives for this country,”  – Lt. Col.Alan West – Congressman

–  The Bottom Line  –

And now 75-80% of all of Washington is made up of lawyers who never served a day for anyone but themselves.  Is there anyone besides the members of The Lawyer Class who think that lawyers ever could make better leaders than men who offered their lives for us?  

Is this the easiest question ever:

Leaders or Lawyers?    

Men who fight for you and their country or men who only fight for themselves and the mighty dollar.  

Men who sacrifice their lives  or men who sacrifice nothing.  

Men whose love of family and freedom built America or men whose greed and narcissistic lust for power is destroying America.  

Men who obey God’s laws or men who think they are the gods of our laws

Townhall_Magazine_June_2012 [1] Men like Lt. Col. Alan West are the future for America – if there is to be a future…


Allen West Tells Townhall Whether He’d Accept VP Nod

Posted June 4, 2012 by Elisabeth Meinecke

“I’m living the American dream,” GOP Florida Rep. Allen West tells Townhall as he sits in his congressional office in Washington, D.C.

Now a freshman congressman, West grew up in the inner city of Atlanta in a healthy, old-school style, twoparent home. Both of his parents are from southern Georgia. West’s father served in Gen. George Patton’s III Corps in the European theatre during World War II and worked in a Veterans Affairs hospital when West was growing up. His mother worked for 6th Marine Corps District headquarters.

“My hair has always been quite short and cropped closely,” West jokes. …


“Just because you retire from the military and take off your uniform does not mean that your service to this country has ended,” says West, who had reached the rank of lieutenant colonel by the time he retired from the military.

“Just because you retire from the military and take off your uniform does not mean that your service to this country has ended,” says West, who had reached the rank of lieutenant colonel by the time he retired from the military.

“The thing that has really shocked me is the amount at which people are willing to lie, have no problem doing it and know that they’re lying,” West says. “I just wish people would step back and really think about what the fundamental principles and values that established this great nation were, and we need to get back to that.”

What does Washington really need? West think it’s more members of Congress with military experience and values. He believes the core values of integrity, honor and character, the cornerstones of serving in the military, should be used as the cornerstones for serving in Congress.

“Once upon a time, 75-80 percent of the members of Congress were men that had served in combat, served in a uniform. I think this country would be even greater if we went back and tapped that resource of those men and women who have raised their right hand and were willing to lay down their lives for this country,” West says.

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