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The Jews: Brilliant, Stupid or Both?

'Yes,  Einstein, Bernstein, Spielberg and all those Jewish Nobel Prize winners are smart guys about technical stuff …  but as a group, Jews are dumb about lots of practical things … like when they voted for Hitler in 1932 and when they voted for Obama in 2008 because they both promised socialism and secularism.   All those Jewish doctors, scientists, bankers, accountants, and lawyers are technically smart about their professions … but real dumb about practical things.' 

–  The Bottom Line  –

OK I know.  Every ethnicity, religion, race, group, whatever has their share of all of the above; brilliant, stupid, and a strange mix of both.  But nowhere is it more pronounced than with the Jews. 

First for full disclosure – let's set the record straight:  You need only read HERE [1] to understand how I feel about different 'groups' of people on this earth.  Simply put, to me there are only two groups or races of people that exist; good people and bad people.  My only understanding as to why anyone could be prejudice or racist against any other person or group is that they were simply 'brought up' this way.  Either by their parents or their peers.  It makes no difference, there never is real reason for their prejudice other than bad influences and associations. 

Which brings us to the 'Jews.'  When I was growing up I could never understand any of the anti-sematic actions I witnessed verbal or otherwise.  Whenever I tried to get an answer from anyone as to WHY. they never had a good explanation other than the standard anti-sematic 'talking points' that most were indoctrinated with; 'Jews are cheap', 'Jews love money', Jews only care about themselves', Jews own all the banks', Jews run the media', etc etc.   Well any evidence of any of these being true was always matched by Christians and others –  but that never seemed to matter!

Anyway there are a few things that I do believe about Jews that may be considered 'inflammatory' but then again many times 'the truth' is indeed inflammatory… 

         1.  They are very lucky when it comes to making money and

         2. They are very stupid when it comes to politics. 

I've been called the latter but I dream of being accused of the former…


Stupid Jews. Why don't they donate to Hamas while they're at it?

Here's some thoughts from Michael Masters that explains the very puzzling political persuasion of most American Jews.

   …In the USA, Jews contribute 25% of all the money received by Democrats and contribute almost none to Republicans, 80% of Jews vote for liberals (that percent is only surpassed by Blacks who vote more than 90% for liberals), Jews have the biggest influence on the media and entertainment, and Jews control the banks and Wall Street.  

Jews are the linking pin to the influence of liberals in the USA by donating the largest share of dollars to liberals and by implementing liberal media/entertainment bias.    

So if the rest of Americans can get Jews to understand the harm that they are doing to our country and to themselves by financing Democrats and skewing information from news/entertainment, then maybe they will stop sending so much money to Democrats and stop painting an untrue picture about conservatives vs. liberals in media/entertainment.   Then some real progress can be made at reducing the power of people like Obama, Pelosi, the Clintons, Reid, Schumer, Dodd, Frank, Levin, and Soros.   

In his book "Why Are Jews Liberals?" Norman Podhoretz, also a Jew, makes this comment: "I could only interpret by the way that they (Jews) voted in 2008 to mean that their commitment to liberalism, and to the Democrat Party as its principle political vehicle, was still so deep and so powerful that anything threatening to shake it would be fended off with willful blindness and rationalization built on denial."

Some Jews are Jews without practicing Judaism or believing in God.   A Jew does not have to practice the Jewish religion to be a Jew because a Jew is not limited to a religion, or a place of origin, or a race in order to be a Jew.  Being Jewish is simply belonging to the Jewish tribe of lineage back to David and the 12 tribes.  Those 12 tribes made lots of mistakes in the last 5,000 years.    They wondered around the desert for 40 years.  They chose Barabas to be set free and asked the Romans to kill Jesus.   And they continue to make lots of mistakes today with support for abortions, for promoting a low birth rate for Caucasians, for redistribution of wealth, for reducing military strength, for advocating more government spending, for promotion of social justice and political correctness, for advocating more immigration, and for imposing a secular society.   

Yes,  Einstein, Bernstein, Bernanke, and all those Jewish Nobel Prize winners are smart guys about technical stuff …  but as a group, Jews are dumb about lots of practical things … like when they voted for Hitler in 1932 and when they voted for Obama in 2008 because they both promised socialism and secularism.   All those Jewish doctors, scientists, bankers, accountants, and lawyers are technically smart about their professions … but real dumb about practical things.   

Marx, another Jew, was wrong.   Socialism and secularism do not work.  

Let me ask you:  how can Jews keep financing the Democrat party when that party opposes drilling for more oil, digging for more coal, and building more nuclear sites…. especially since those activities will decrease the $700 billion per year sent to Muslim countries that want to kill Jews and since those activities will help fix the national debt that enslaves the USA?  

It is simple.   To Jews, the Republican party represents Christians, especially evangelists … and Jews fear/envy/loath Christians, especially evangelists, more than they fear Muslims in the Middle East or fear enslavement through debt … even though those Christians saved the Jews from extinction in WWII and support Israel today.  Therefore, Jews support Democrats, socialists, and people like Hitler, Chavez, Obama, and Hillary Clinton against their own best interests.  

Look at the support given by Democrats, especially Hillary and Obama, to the new governments in Egypt, Libya, and Syria who have sworn to terminate all Jews in the world.   So why do Jews support these Democrats who support their enemies?

Jews do dumb things.   Jews have too much pride to say they made a mistake.  They prefer to wonder around for 40 years than to ask for directions.  

It is not all Jews … 20% are conservative.  But the remaining 80% of Jews who are liberals are killing themselves and helping liberal politicians destroy our country.    Liberal Jews (80% of all Jews) provide the financial and media/entertainment strength to liberal politicians who support their enemies and America’s enemies.  

As a Jew, Norman Podhoretz understands this huge problem from his position inside of the Jewish community about liberal Jewish influence and its damage to America.  And Jews cannot simply label him, a respected Jew, as anti-Semitic like they try to do to anyone who criticizes them.  So how do we implement the advice he gives in "Why Are Jews Liberals" and help liberal Jews open their eyes to the damage that they are doing? How do we stop Jews from defending their actions by "fend(ing) off with willful blindness and rationalization built on denial?" 

It is important to get Jews to see that they are supporting and financing the wrong side, the evil side, so we can save America from the destruction of evil liberal politicians.  – Michael Master – Author:  [3]