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The Failures and Lies ‘Seal the Deal’

–  The Bottom Line  –

As discussed in 2012: The Easiest Election in US History [1], Romney will win by a landslide in the 2012 Presidential election. (Obama Will Lose Big – Unless…) [2]


And the simple math and common sense that spell a landslide defeat for Obama are just the beginning of what will be one of the worst defeats in Presidential election history.

If Obama's record and his actions had been the exact opposite, in other words if Obama was a great president who created a great economy and brought America together, then common sense dictates that some of those people who didn't vote for him in 2008 would vote for him now and Obama would win.  But of course the exact opposite is true so his lies and his failures 'seal the deal' on this election.  And it can't happen too soon…


American Voters Will Politically Hang Obama for Benghazi

Sunday, 28 October 2012 by JB Williams
Yes, Obamanomics are horrific! — No, it’s not just the economy this time stupid. What the Obama administration have done to intentionally destroy the U.S. economy is cause enough for a political hanging of everyone in the Obama administration. The people responsible for driving our nation’s debt up more than 60% in less than four years, while decimating jobs and forcing a record number of Americans onto federal assistance, demands a short rope swinging from the political tree.

What we now know about September 11th events in Benghazi Libya is far from what the Obama administration has been telling us about the events of that day for the last several weeks.

  • The Obama administration said they had no prior warning of the attacks on Benghazi – LIE
  • They said the attacks were due to a protest – LIE
  • They said the protest was a reaction to a totally obscure YouTube video – LIE
  • They said that they did not know what happened for more than 17 days after – LIE
  • They said that they had nothing to do with that YouTube video – LIE
  • They said they were confused by a “fog of war” – LIE
  • They said it was not a terrorist attack – LIE
  • They said it had nothing to do with Obama foreign policy – LIE
  • They said they had bad intelligence – LIE
  • They said they didn’t have the funds for more security – LIE
  • They said they didn’t know who killed our Americans – LIE
  • They said Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood were not involved – LIE
  • They said that Obama was not directly involved – LIE
  • They said that concerned people were “politicizing Benghazi” – LIE
  • They said that they didn’t arm the people who killed four Americans – LIE
  • They said they did all they could do – LIE
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