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Explosive video indictment of Obama rocks YouTube

See the most devastating, compelling election ad of 2012

Posted by Chelsea Schilling on November 5, 2012

In what could be the most stunning video indictment of President Obama and his administration’s policies this election year, a YouTube video reveals the fallout of the “hope” and “change” Obama promised in 2008.

Obama can be seen promising to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” in the days before his election. The video highlights his promises for fiscal responsibility and his pledge to cut the soaring national deficit in half by the end of his first term.

In the video, Obama can be heard making several more pledges to the American people, including:

Meanwhile, the ad flashes numerous shots of Obama enjoying life on the putting green – as he plays more than 100 rounds of golf in at least 10 weeks during his presidency “during the worst economy since the Depression.”

For those citizens who believe the government doesn’t spend, regulate, tax and “take” enough, the video flashes the Obama campaign’s “Forward” slogan and encourages those individuals to move the U.S. “forward” to more debt, more food stamps, more regulation, a weaker dollar, a smaller workforce and a poorer people.

“For the rest of you, conservatism is calling,” the ad declares, quoting “Liberty and Tyranny” author Mark Levin and talk radio host Rush Limbaugh and displaying images of well-known “champions of conservatism” who are “all former liberals.”

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