– The Bottom Line –
Bravo for Larry Klayman (Meet Larry Klayman – All American [1]). Klayman is one of GLOOG's Good Guys [2] and a man who's never been afraid to call 'a spade a spade.' (pun intended).
In this clip in a speech at the Veterans March in D.C [3]. Klayman finally calls out Obama for his actions for the last 5 years and leaves no doubt or confusion on what is 'The Bottom Line' on Barack Hussein Obama.
Speaker at DC veterans rally calls on Obama to "put the Qur'an down"
Posted by Robert on October 14, 2013
The mainstream media is portraying Klayman as a nut, of course. How could any sane and rational person tell Obama to put the Qur'an down? ?????? ???? [4] Well, whatever is in his heart, and quite aside from the question of whether he is actually a Muslim, there is the pattern of his actions [5]:
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