– The Bottom Line –
The other day Tom Cruise was reported as saying that his job was as difficult as those fighting in Afghanistan. No big deal since I personally don’t give a crap what any anti-American, aka liberal/progressive, says. Especially actors etc. I never post about these a-As because, contrary to what the brain dead media thinks, it has no relevance or importance on the reality of national discourse.
But I will recognize Mark Wahlberg’s response to Cruise’s remarks because standing right next to him promoting his new film is none other than Marcus Luttrell [1], the celebrated former SEAL who the highly anticipated film is based upon. Looks like this guy Wahlberg is right out of the casting couch from the old Hollywood. An American patriot who is grateful for his country and appreciates Hollywood’s contribution in the proper perspective.
Love what he has to say about the matter. Right to the point. Couldn’t have said it better;
‘How F***ing Dare You’: ‘Lone Survivor’ Star Mark Wahlberg Rants Against Hollywood Privilege, Gives Emotional Tribute to Soldiers’ Sacrifice
Posted on Nov. 13, 2013 by Dave Urbanski
It appears Tom Cruise’s controversial assertion that being away from his daughter while shooting a movie on location is as “brutal” as what soldiers go through while deployed in Afghanistan [2] isn’t going away just yet.
Fellow actor Mark Wahlberg seemed to make sure of that Tuesday night.
While not invoking Cruise by name, Wahlberg seemed to come pretty close during a highly emotional Q&A session for the premiere of “Lone Survivor,” sitting with Marcus Luttrell, the celebrated former SEAL who the highly anticipated film is based upon.
“For actors to sit there and talk about, ‘Oh I went to SEAL training,’ and I slept on the — I don’t give a f*** what you did. You don’t do what these guys did,” Wahlberg said after the “Lone Survivor” screening, according to The Wrap.
“For somebody to sit there and say my job was as difficult as somebody in the military’s. How f***ing dare you. While you sit in a makeup chair for two hours,” he said.
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