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Obama’s Syrian ‘Rebels’

–  The Bottom Line  –

Syria Islamists [1]These are the very scumbags that Barack Obama wanted to send our boys to die for and is still supporting them with our money.  They are not only the enemy of the Syrian people, but they are the enemy of any civilized person.   Anyone who by now doesn’t understand this and the reality of Obama is beyond repair.    They are not just stupid and ignorant, they are PS – Politically Stupid which in it’s final stage is suicidal.

Definition of Politically Stupid:  Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies…

Obama Voters [2]

Jihad group transforms Syrian city into nucleus of Islamic state it aspires to

Posted on March 8, 2014 by Pam Geller

Once a vibrant, mixed city considered a bastion of support for President Bashar Assad, the eastern city of Raqqa is now a shell of its former life, transformed by al-Qaida militants into the nucleus of the terror group’s version of an Islamic caliphate they hope one day to establish in Syria and Iraq. In rare interviews with The Associated Press, residents and activists in Raqqa describe a city where fear prevails, music has been banned, Christians have to pay religious tax in return for protection and face-veiled women and pistol-wielding men in jihadi uniforms patrol the streets.
Assad protected religious minorities from the sharia and homicidal devout Muslims. Now they face genocide.

BEIRUT – Once a vibrant, religiously mixed community, Syria’s eastern city of Raqqa is now a shell of its former self, terrorized by hard-line militants who have turned it into the nucleus of their vision for the Islamic caliphate they hope one day to establish in Syria and Iraq.

In rare interviews with The Associated Press, residents and activists in Raqqa describe a city where fear prevails. Music has been banned, Christians have to pay an Islamic tax for protection, people are executed in the main square and face-veiled women and pistol-wielding foreigners in Afghan-style outfits patrol the streets enforcing Shariah restrictions.

Raqqa, on the banks of the Euphrates River, is now the only city in Syria fully under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the al-Qaida breakaway group that is considered the most ferocious of the militant factions that have latched onto the revolt against President Bashar Assad’s rule. Black Islamic banners flutter on street corners and atop buildings — including churches — as the extremists put their strict Islamic stamp on the city.

“They have taken us back to medieval times,” said one resident. He and three other residents — all in the city except one who recently fled to Turkey — spoke to the AP by Skype on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by militants. …

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