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Open Letter To The Church

A few days ago I wrote a letter to my Pastors.  They both are Fathers in the Coptic church although it can and should be addressed to any Church or even Synagogue.

Church [1]It comes on the heels of the recent events in Syria which I addressed in Syria & My Christian Family [2] It’s purpose is to raise an awareness so that finally the Church can make a stand.

I hope you will pass this on to your Church leaders in whatever way you can.  On behalf of all persecuted Christians and others: Thank You.

Dear Father Tadros and Father Andrew,
Please read this article [3] and pass it on to all of the Fathers of the Church.
This article is very inclusive of the shameful void of the Christian leadership in Syria and abroad.  It is filled with scripture that addresses this issue and so I thought that it may be helpful and interesting for you and the Church.
As you know, the Western media is controlled by idiots and non-believers and so the plight of Christians is almost totally ignored.  The most important contribution we can make is to raise an awareness to the point wherein it can not be ignored.  The Christians & Christian churches in America CAN make this happen with a concerted effort.  They have the power, the money and the influence BUT they DO NOT USE IT!

church-300x140 [4]
(Food for thought & my personal recommendation: ALL Christian churches in America announce a boycott on our Federal government until such time the Congress and The President publicly denounce ALL Christian persecution around the world AND STOP ANY support to Islamist ‘rebels’ in Egypt and Syria.  The Boycott would be simple and very effective:  All Christians in America will not file their Federal Tax return/not pay any income tax until such time ‘our government does for the Christians what it’s been doing for other peoples throughout it’s history.’)

America Defenders [5]
This awareness needs to be a top priority with the heads of all Churches here in America, whatever the denomination, and they need to dedicate time to this in the sermons and with their parishioners. Also financial aid of course is always needed.

We cannot call ourselves servants of God and yet not help the persecuted, this is why we have partnered with Sister Hatune Dogan, a nun who has rescued many Christians in the Middle East, especially Syria. PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA [6]

The Syrian Christians including my wife’s family are not sitting idle and are having much success of late as shown in this article.   These people are very brave and have the spirit of true Christians – they need to be recognized by all good and descent people, especially the Christian world.

But, there are those in this nation of Syria who, when they “seeth the wolf coming,” do not “leaveth the sheep, and fleeth” (John 10:12), but sell their garments and buy swords (Luke 22:36). These are the Lions of the Canyon, a recently formed militia who “take up the cross” (Mark 10:21) and “destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8) They fight guns, big canons, and most importantly, zeal.
– click on image –Syria Church [2]God Bless
Love & Respect

 See Also: 

What Are The Preachers Doing? [7]     –      SHAME on the Christian World! [8]

christian preacher [9]