Palin to the NRA: ‘Waterboarding Is How We Baptize Terrorists’
Posted on April 26, 2014 by BREITBART TV – Saturday at the “NRA Stand and Fight Rally” at the 2014 NRA Annual Meetings in Indianapolis, IN, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) took a defiant tone towards the current administration’s gun control efforts by pointing out that our president, politicians and entertainers are all protected by armed guards but our children at schools are protected by a “thin tin sign that reads gun free zone, yeah like thats will stop the bad guy. That’s stupid on steroids,” urging, “more mommy grizzlies to carry” to protect our children…
Turing to foreign policy Palin hammered Obama for “poking our allies in the eye and coddling advisories” saying if she was in charge, which was received by thunderous applause, everyone would know “water-boarding is how we baptize terrorists’…
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