WOW – Talk about our Judeo–Christian foundation. Here’s one of ‘The Good Guys’ delivering the message that the media ignores and one that should be ‘shouted from the rafters’ in every church in America. It’s the truth and the reality that the lawyer oligarchy [1]that runs America is trying to destroy.
Delivered with passion and conviction, Rabbi Cahn speaks truth to power in a way that will make you want to stand and cheer. We need more Rabbi Cahns speaking out in public forums.
Jonathan Cahn is a messianic Jewish Rabbi and pastor best known for his best selling book “The Harbinger”, in which he compares the United States and the September 11 attacks, to the ancient Israel and the destruction of Kingdom of Israel. In particular he sees the Isaiah 9:10 as a prophetic warning to America.[1] [2] He followed this book with The Harbinger Companion: With Study Guide.[2] [3]
He was born in New Jersey. He grew up Jewish and was attending the synagogue frequently. He became an atheist when he was 8 years old. At 12 he began to question atheism. At 20, he became a messianic Jew, accepting Jesus as the messiah. He went to Purchase University and studied history. He ministered to New York City homeless for many years and became a licensed minister. In 1988 he started Hope of the World ministries, an outreach of the Gospel and compassion projects for the needy. He further publishes Sapphires Magazine and ministers on Radio and Television.
‘Harbinger’ rabbi: ‘Smile of heaven’ removed from America
Challenges D.C. leaders with prophetic warning of George Washington
Posted on May 8, 2014 at WND – WASHINGTON – The prophetic words delivered in 1789 by President George Washington in his first inaugural speech echoed loud and clear Wednesday evening in the chamber of the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall – this time in the voice of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of the best-selling “The Harbinger.”
The venue was a one-of-a-kind prayer meeting called “Washington: A Man of Prayer, 2014,” commemorating the events of April 30, 1789, when, after being sworn in at Federal Hall, Washington, accompanied by Congress, proceeded to St. Paul’s Chapel where, as one of his first official acts, he offered a prayer of dedication to God on America’s behalf.
The hall was filled with government officials, members of Congress, justices and other invited guests. The event – hosted by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. and emceed by Mike Huckabee – was televised and live-streamed by WND.
Cahn wove his challenge to the attendees by referencing Washington’s address and his warning that the new nation could not expect to prosper if it forgot God: “The propitious smile of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself hath ordained.” …
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