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This Week In Islam – Headlines From Hell

Islamic Group Beheads Real Estate Agents Who Do Business with Christians [1] – Until the political and media elites in the West understand the jihadic doctrine, we are destined to fail.

Three farmers are beheaded by al-Qaeda. [2]

Fundamentalists bomb a shop selling alcohol, killing a dozen patrons and bystanders. [2]

Eight people watching a televised soccer game are pulled apart by a suicide car bomber [2]

‘God generously makes possible’ an al-Nusra suicide bomb attack in a Christian residential district that leaves twelve dead. [2]

Boko Haram gumen shoot twenty-one villagers to death. [2]

A journalist is murdered for criticizing those fighting for an Islamic state. [2]

Pakistani woman stoned to death by family in front of court after marrying for love [3] – Arranged marriages are the norm among conservative Pakistanis, who view marriage for love as a transgression.

Student Challenges Jihadists, His Head Found in Mosque [4] – The severed head of a Derna student who apparently challenged members of an Islamist brigade has been found dumped in a mosque in the eastern town.

Muslims Take Christians And Keep Them As Slaves For Twenty Five Years Straig [5]ht – A Christian family in Pakistan was kept as slaves for twenty five years straight in a brick kiln,,,

Pregnant Women Stoned to Death by her own family in brutal honor killing [6]

Young 15 Year Old Girl Gets Gang Raped By 38 Muslim Men For Several Hours [7] – A young 15 year old girl in Malaysia was gang raped by 38 Muslim men, with each man taking turns for several hours….

Muslim family who stoned their daughter to death on a public street also murdered her sister in an honour killing [8] – So much savagery in one family. It makes you wonder how much we don’t hear about. One thing is clear: women are slaughtered with impunity under the guise of Islamic honor.

Muslims Murder, Mutilate Christian Father In Front of His Son [9] – Muslims were burning churches… Leaders in the mosques were telling Muslims to attack Christians and kill them.  “The people who do this are ordinary Muslims, not militant extremists, as our politically correct leaders and news media would have us believe. ???? ???? ???? [10] They would do this to me, an apostate (ex-Muslim), if they could find me. I know these people well; I was one of them.”