Muslim Snipers Take Aim On Two Christian Teenagers And Shoot Them All To Death [1] – Muslim snipers in Syria took aim on two Christian teenagers and opened fire on them, killing them both
Devout Muslims Throw Gasoline Bombs at Christian Shops Just Before Trial of Coptic Christian Accused of Blasphemy Against Islam [2] – The Muslims who did this are supporters of the Obama-backed Muslim Brotherhood, which Obama tried to strong-arm the Egyptians into returning to power.
Muslims Enter Church And Slaughter Nine Christians In Sheer Cold Blooded Cruelty [3] – Muslims in Abuja, Nigeria, entered a church and slaughtered nine Christians in an attack that can be described as sheer malice.
Muslims Seize 400 People, And Slaughter All Of Them One After The Other In One Of The Most Horrific Massacres In Our Time [4] – Muslims in Nigeria targeted the three villages of Attangara, Agapalwa and Ngoshe, where many Christians live, and with “sophisticated weapons” “started killing from house to house”.
Muslims Slaughter Over Sixty People, And Then Take An Entire University Hostage [5] – More than 60 people have been killed in a wave of car bombs across the Iraqi capital security and medical sources said
The American, alongside three other Muslim jihadists, blew themselves up with 17 tons of explosives, slaughtering […]