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Thank You Monica

Monica Crowley on Hannity: ‘We’re in a Holy War whether we like it or not’

–  The Bottom Line  –

You know it’s an upside down world when the woman have more ‘balls’ than the men!  And so it seems in the world of politics and especially when it comes to the world’s death cult known as Islam. ?????? ??? ??? [1]

Rebel_Ladies [2]

Among the many female Generals in this War for Civilization that the ignorant and naive Western world is oblivious to, are the likes of Pamella Geller [3] at Atlas Shrugs, Brigitte Gabriel [4]over at ACT for America, Wafa Sultan [5]Ayaan Hirsi Ali,  [6] and now Monica Crowley who is among a crowd of none in the TV media to come right out and state the truth about the war with Islam,  the war that no one wants to identify.

The War for Civilization [7]

ayaan-hirsi-ali [8]