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The End of Her World

–  The Bottom Line  –

Like most parents I have a hard time when my child gets sick.  We love them so much that all we ever want to see is for them to smile and laugh and be healthy.  The thought of a child getting sick and dying is to emotional to talk or even think about.   The thought of any child being brutally killed is just unfathomable for any human being.

Enter Islam.  These subhumans have no problem with blowing up their own children for the sake of their Death Cult leader Allah!

This is Islam [1]Two interviews with mothers of Martyrs expressing their joy over the Martyrdom of their respective sons, one broadcast on the Hamas website, and the other on Arab News Network TV.
In the name of Allah.
In the first interview with Um Nidal, she says that today is the best day of her life as her son becomes a Martyr, and if she had 100 children like her son, she would offer them to Allah as well.   read more… [2]


So how could anyone expect these same subhumans to respect any life at all…

This one hits close to home since it happened so very close to my wife’s village in Syria.

After watching this women come apart after her son’s butchering by Muslims, I didn’t even think of praying for her. ???? ????? ???? ????? [3]   All I could think of was a nuclear bomb over MECCA.  It’s the only language these Muslims understand and if we spoke it everyday, the way they butcher us everyday, maybe there would be less women crying over their dead sons and daughters. ????? ??????? [4]   And maybe we could reclaim our pride and dignity as a civilized people.  As human beings who refuse to allow this barbaric death cult known as Islam to live freely among us…

yria: Muslims behead Christian, stab him with crucifix – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/03/syria-muslims-behead-christian-stab-crucifix.html/#sthash.kn3VSVG4.dpuf
yria: Muslims behead Christian, stab him with crucifix – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/03/syria-muslims-behead-christian-stab-crucifix.html/#sthash.kn3VSVG4.dpuf

Syria: Muslims behead Christian, stab him with crucifix

See The War for Civilization [5]