- GLOOG Flyer -
Exposes the Real Cancer on America
4 Page Expose!
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How Homo-Fascism Suckered You ...a complete expose on how the 'gay' jihadists have rammed their agenda down the throats of the American people. For anyone who wants to know how society was twisted....
Sad Reality of America's Culture
100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe. The collection of facts and statistics that you are about to read....
~ Insanity is voting another lawyer into office! ~
Apologize? - Not Anymore... ... how easy it is for the 'the bad guys' to get anyone who may expose them or be honest about their perversions and ideology, to apologize for TELLING THE TRUTH!...
You Voted - $4 A Gallon
Americans are not suckers for using foreign oil, Americans are suckers because they have supported those who have overseen Americas increased dependence on foreign oil by....
"You're A Political WHORE" In another of her powerfully honest opening statements Judge Jeanine lays down the law about lies and stupidity of the Obama administration on Benghazi and the Muslim...
~ We Need Leaders - Not Lawyers! ~
Quotes From The Muslim President
40 Mind-Blowing Quotes From Barack Hussein Obama On Islam And Christianity - When someone shows you who they are, believe them. ...
This Week in Islam
Islam is very easy to understand. One need only to read the headlines. Here's this week's linked list of just a few headlines by the followers of Mohamed:.....
World's Toughest Job
It is the world's toughest and most important job. Whether or not it is the most underpaid job is a matter of opinion and semantics. This video nails it once and for all....
~ Voting for another lawyer is the same
as changing chairs on the Titanic! ~
The New Annual Democratic
Why stop at 'Gay' Pride Month?
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