– The Bottom Line –
This is pretty much unequaled when it comes to ‘The Bottom Line’ on the titled subject. I for one never believed that we are all God’s children. Not even that we are all born God’s children. No. There is evil in the world and it is regenerated every day in the same maternity room as are God’s children. Don’t ask me why cause the ‘why’ question has a million variations and they can only be answered by God himself. That is of course unless you are one of the many who think they have it all figured out; just ask any atheist or indeed any lawyer!
Anyway, as he usually does, J. Matt Barber really spells it out quite nicely in this article. The only thing that surprised me after reading this great piece was when I discovered that Mr. Barber was a lawyer! What law school did this guy go to? Just wish they’d close down all the others….
We Are Not ‘All God’s Children’
Published on Tuesday, 11 February 2014 13:05 Written by J. Matt Barber
You’ve heard it said that “We are all God’s children.” This rings flowery and nice.
It’s an insidious lie.
Indeed, God both created and loves – in a way most unfathomable – everyone who ever lived. He wove us together in our mother’s womb and numbered our every hair. But God the Father has only one begotten Son. The rest of us, in order to become one of God’s children, must be adopted – in, by and through – the One Who is the Son: Jesus Christ. Those who are not adopted are not children of God. Christ and Christ alone is “the way, the truth and the life.”
Indeed, to become a child of God, we must ask God – through Christ – to adopt us. We mustn’t just believe upon Him – for “Even the demons believe that” (see James 2:19) – but, rather, we must also accept Him. We must follow Jesus, the one true God, as our only God. “But to all who believed him and accepted him (Jesus), he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)
Don’t believe? Don’t accept? You have no right to become a child of God.
And that’s unholy hell.
I’m not here to question God. I can neither fully understand nor explain why what He says is so. I can only convey to you that He unmistakably, unequivocally and without stuttering, says it is so.
And so it is so. …
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