– My Take –
This is a video all Americans Must See, especially before the 2012 election.
What can you say about those people who have no shame? ???? ??? ???? What can you say about those people who will look you right in the face and lie to you? What can you say about those people who have absolutely no concern for you and your family, your health or your financial situation, or even your safety? What can you say about those people who make so much money that $20.00 a gallon of gas is nothing for them, yet they tell you that they “feel your pain” as they do nothing about making the prices better. ???? ???? What can you say about those people who willfully manipulate the minds of millions of good decent people in order to extract their vote solely for the purpose of a self serving ego that craves power and influence.
And what can you say about those people that really don’t give a damn about the future of America as long as their future is secure and their egos are inflated with power and position.
What can you say about those F–king Liberal Lawyer-Liar-Politician Hypocrites? ???? ?????? ????? I can say this with all no due respect:
You are all selfish narcissistic bastards. And some day the American people will wake up and you and your privileged club of lawyer/liars will not only never be able to serve in any office of this great nation, but you will be properly dealt with and have to live and die with the shame and disgrace that mother nature eventually nurtures in all self-serving egotistical scumbags.
Watch this video and tell me that you disagree…
