–  The Bottom Line  –

The Spiral of Silence is a term coined to describe the intimidated silence of the majority in the face of a boisterous minority.   In many of the posts here I refer to the 'weak and stupid'  good guys.  This weakness and stupidity is born out of their silence.   Put simply: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."  And 'doing nothing' is the offspring of silence.

“The most important thing we can do today in obedience to Christ is to break the spiral of silence that is pervasive in our culture. The way movements start is when people finally realize that in a free society they have to be able to speak out. They can’t be cowed into silence.” – Chuck Colson

The most dangerous problem America faces is the accelerating destruction of American culture and traditions.  The most dangerous problem civilized society faces is Islam.  Both problems exist because of the 'The Spiral of Silence.'  

The patriots over at The Manhattan Declaration are the preeminent heroes on addressing this reality. 

They created a brilliant video that summarizes this problem in a very effective and entertaining way:



Their latest effort is called The Wilberforce Weekend Conference: Break the Spiral of Silence.  

William Wilberforce understood the power of words long before German sociologist Elisabeth Noelle-Newmann coined the phrase “The Spiral of Silence.”  He spoke out against the injustices of the prevailing cultural norms of his day and spearheaded a movement that abolished slavery and reformed British culture.

Today we too face a culture in crisis. A handful of angry voices seemingly control the message on the most fundamental issues of life, liberty, marriage and family. The majority opinion has been silenced, its proponents labeled ignorant, intolerant, out-of-touch bigots. The Spiral of Silence has a stranglehold on culture, spinning a web of Lies that threaten to destroy the very fabric of society.  Christians feel threatened, alone, and helpless.

But you are not alone. The Spiral of Silence is fragile, and if one by one we stand up and speak out against the Lie, against injustice, against evil, the spiral will begin to unravel, and Truth and justice will prevail.

For too long, Christians have been cowed into silence when it comes to the sanctity of human life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom. Join a movement to learn how to stand up, speak out, and break the Spiral of Silence.




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