–  The Bottom Line  –

Let's just say that this study effects every single person that lives, has ever lived and is not yet born…  I mean you have to admit, what other study ever was even important to the dead? 

OK I'm sure some are thinking that this guy's a little wacky.  And that's OK because on this subject it's simply a matter of opinion, there is no right or wrong way to approach it. ????? ????? ???????   It's either wacky or very serious, 

As for me. I am 'dead' serious about it. (The Only Enemy)   But even if you think it's wacky, how can you not be curious and want the answer?…

$5 million grant to study immortality

John Templeton Foundation grant to UC Riverside philosopher John Fischer will fund research
August 3, 2012

[+]The John Templeton Foundation has awarded a three-year, $5 million grant  to John Martin Fischer, distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of California, Riverside, to undertake a rigorous examination of a wide range of issues related to immortality.

“People have been thinking about immortality throughout history. ????? ?????? We have a deep human need to figure out what happens to us after death,” said Fischer, the principal investigator of The Immortality Project.

“Part of it is motivated by the fact that there are advances now in longevity that naturally raise the question of whether immortality is possible and whether it would be desirable,” Mr. ???? 365 ????? Fischer says.


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