–  The Bottom Line  –

Finally Bill O'Reilly appears to have woken up to the reality that is Barack Obama.  As mentioned HERE O'Reilly seemed to drop off his 'no spin' analysis about the time he interviewed Obama.   Like so many who have been enamored by a charismatic silver tongued narcissist, Bill not only took the bait but it made him, one of the best ever at 'straight shooting journalism/commentary,  just another sorry Obama excuse maker among the many in the CBR  and the 'Brain Dead Media.'  

Dennis Miller finally confronts O'Reilly with this reality, one that he has heard many times via the emails but just shrugs off.  But when Miller says it, it causes Bill to take pause.   You can see this in the video below and it is a welcomed moment for all of us who have admired Bill O'Reilly BO.  (Before Obama),