The Amazing Moment When a 9-Year-Old Girl Threw Out the First Baseball Pitch…and the Catcher Was Her Dad Home From Afghanistan

Alayna-Adams-Tampa-BayPosted on May 18, 2013 by

Nine-year-old Alayna Adams got a big surprise when she was told she would be throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at Thursday’s Tampa Bay Rays game. She had no idea the even bigger shock she was in for.

It started when her dad, Lt. Col. Will Adams, appeared on the video screen to say hello and that he would be home soon. Alayna didn’t know how true that was; she threw the ball right down the center and watched it bounce. The man in the Ray’s uniform and catcher’s gear reached up to snag it — then pulled his mask off, revealing himself as her father.

Alayna ran to her dad, home from Afghanistan after a one-year deployment, and the two embraced before the roaring crowd.

“I thought it was a dream,” she told a TV interviewer a few innings later.

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