Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Jarrett, Van Jones, etc…their goal is for everyone to be on food stamps, not just the few needy. They are doing radio spots to encourage food stamp enrollment. They are crashing the economy ON PURPOSE!!! To know about the ebt card benefits programme click on ebt ga.
Reality is that someone has to pay. That someone is the poor sucker who followed the rules, did their best, took care of their family, made good grades, kept a job, went to church, tithed, and loved their neighbor as themselves.
It took the failure of Obamacare to wake O’Reilly up!
Watch O’Reilly’s “talking points” of Oct. 22, 2013. O’Reilly says, “Obamacare is just part of the vision for the forced sharing of American assets.” That’s “redistribution of wealth.” That is Marxism. That is Communism. Remember my song, “There’s a Communist Living in the White House”?
And, as Marielena Stuart says, “Socialism is phase one of communism.”
Obamacare is unveiling the hidden truth, the agenda of the left – Total Government Control.
People are slow to use the word, “communist.” Is that because they think it disappeared with “the McCarthy Era?” Are they afraid to “name-call” ? – especially since the left would terribly mock and ridicule anyone who would suggest McCarthy did a good thing, rooting out the America-haters, the enemies of the state.
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