The average cell phone camera shoots stills at about five or six megapixels and it is plenty of resolution. This photo was taken with a camera with a resolution of 69,394 X 30,420 pixels or 2,110 megapixels or 2.1 Gigapixels! Incredible. Zoom in and see who shaved and who didn’t in this crowd of thousands…
Thee Vancouver Canucks Fan Zone along Georgia St. for Game 7 of the 2011 Stanley Cup Final was captured at 5:46 pm on June 15, 2011. It is made up of 216 photos (12 across by 18 down) stitched together, taken over a 15-minute span, and is not supposed to represent a single moment in time. The final hi-res file is 69,394 X 30,420 pixels or 2,110 megapixels. Special thanks to Bonita Howard and CBC Real Estate.
10 Jaw-Dropping Gigapixel Photos