Well, OK, He’s God, and if He created the heavens, the stars, the earth and all of its inhabitants, including dogs, elephants and giraffes, it might be expedient to cut Him some slack. But when we’re talking about an arrogant narcissist whose major achievement was being a shill for ACORN, which is a lot like being a union organizer but without the requisite muscle, why would anyone fawn over this lying jackass?

– The Bottom Line –

Gotta just love the brutal honesty of this statement; “…why would anyone fawn over this lying jackass?”   For over 5 years now millions of Americans have been wondering the same exact thing. 

It is baffling how many there are that will do and say everything possible to defend and cover up for the obvious failures and lies of Barack Obama.  And in light of all the overwhelming evidence they continue. Even at the peril of destroying the country and the culture which gave them and their families so much!  

I just don’t get it.  This guy Obama never sacrificed, never achieved and never did anything for anyone other than himself yet they defend and cover for him like he has performed miracles for them!   How the hell do you explain this?  Is it true that indeed Evil is running the universe now?   Is the ghost of Rod Serling controlling America?  Is Obama just the luckiest SOB that ever lived?  It is beyond rational explanation other than maybe to say that ‘there are none so blind as those who will not see.’


The United States of Obama

Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky asks, ‘Why would anyone fawn over this lying jackass?’

… When people, even now, go on TV and defend Obama by trying to spin “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period!” into statements full of ellipses and qualifiers, they remind me in an odd way of the devoutly religious. As those folks see it, if something good happens, it’s because of God. But when something terrible – such as the Holocaust or childhood leukemia – occurs, they explain that God moves in mysterious ways, and we mere mortals can’t hope to divine His motives.
Well, OK, He’s God, and if He created the heavens, the stars, the earth and all of its inhabitants, including dogs, elephants and giraffes, it might be expedient to cut Him some slack. But when we’re talking about an arrogant narcissist whose major achievement was being a shill for ACORN, which is a lot like being a union organizer but without the requisite muscle, why would anyone fawn over this lying jackass?
Obama looked into a TV camera at least 40 times and told us lies that he knew to be lies because, as his advisers told him, if he told the truth, not even Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi could have gotten their trained fleas to pass the Affordable Care Act.

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