Gun Free Zones
The topic of ‘gun free zones’ could be the easiest material needed for the funniest political humor entres. As always when Liberal Logic is exposed it shows how the minds of these people are so out of touch with reality […]
The topic of ‘gun free zones’ could be the easiest material needed for the funniest political humor entres. As always when Liberal Logic is exposed it shows how the minds of these people are so out of touch with reality […]
It is now clear for any average American who wishes to call himself informed that it is now beyond obvious that Obama is a stealth Jihadist advancing the same cause as Al Qaida but using deception to advance it in […]
Newsletter May 2014 No. 5 – Too Many Lawyers = Too Much Law – Honey I Love Another Woman! – Go Redskins! – Go Donald! – The Nail’s Hit On The Head! ??? ????? ????? – “These Are Ordinary […]
We were at work when we heard Muslims were burning churches… Leaders in the mosques were telling Muslims to attack Christians and kill them Muhammad Rashid points out to me: “The people who do this are ordinary Muslims, not militant […]
Islamic Group Beheads Real Estate Agents Who Do Business with Christians – Until the political and media elites in the West understand the jihadic doctrine, we are destined to fail. Three farmers are beheaded by al-Qaeda. Fundamentalists bomb a shop selling […]
Political comedy is so powerful simply because usually it’s honesty can not be found in the every day media and the PC world in which we now live. Someday the 95% of the Black Americans who voted for Obama will […]
GLOOG – How simple and effective it all started out to be. Just ten very simple laws so easy to understand that even toddlers were taught along along with their first language lessons.
– The Bottom Line – On the heels of an NBA owner telling the NBA leadership to shove it, we have an NFL Team President ‘diplomatically’ telling the Senate ‘leadership’ to shove it! Of course the real story here is […]
– The Bottom Line – I am so jealous of this man. All that money to spend on taking it to those who would destroy free speech. If you listen to just about anybody these days you would think Donald […]
– The Bottom Line – OK Babe, not to worry; it’s only political. But I do indeed love this women not only for what she stands for but even more so for HOW she represents it! There is no doubt […]
And then there are those who have been ‘left behind’. Those whose hearts have been dimmed and whose world has been shattered forever.
It is they who are to be mourned. It is they who live with ‘the ultimate sacrifice’ every day of their lives. It is they who experience Memorial Day 365 days a year.
Newsletter – May 2014 No. 4 – Anti’s & The Ten Commandments – A Dying Nation – It’s Never Ending? – If Your Lucky You’ll Look Like This? – A 1967 Corvette – This Week In Islam – Which One […]
– Al Qaeda Terrorists at Gitmo Treated Better than US Vets – One can not just read this headline to get anywhere near the impact of it’s meaning. And any relative of any one lost on 9/11 or in Iraq […]
This is one hell of a story. And as though the story itself is not enough we get to see actual pictures of a 67 Vette that are beyond anyone’s imagination considering this car left the factory almost 50 years […]
Most would agree that anyone who lives to be 100 is pretty damn lucky. Of course there are all kinds of caveats to this conclusion but putting them aside for now, here’s some pictures of what you can look like […]