The ‘Supreme’ Court – Strike 3!
It’s time that we replace these lawyers in black robes with men and women with experience and wisdom; in white robes! ??? ????? And by the way, it will be Constitutional!
It’s time that we replace these lawyers in black robes with men and women with experience and wisdom; in white robes! ??? ????? And by the way, it will be Constitutional!
– The Bottom Line – America’s Top 14,000,003 Racists Of All Time was posted only 3 days ago and already we have to correct it! Congressional 'Black' Caucus: What They Said verses What They Meant… What They Said: “We adamantly […]
The Duck Theory: "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck" The Muslim Theory: If he was born a Muslim, celebrates with Muslims, supports The Muslim Brotherhood, bows […]
Dr. Paolo Macchiarini is no stranger to world firsts, and less than a year after performing a synthetic windpipe transplant, the Karolinska Institute Professor has coordinated no less than two successful transplants of synthetic sections of larynx. Amazingly, both patients […]
A great detective once asked; "Just the facts mam." Well here at GLOOG the facts speak volumes in testimony as to the cancer that has been deteriorating America for decades. And to anyone that can do simple math and 'connect […]
– The Bottom Line – In 1972 Nine Lawyers in Black Robes Made It Legal To Kill Any Unborn Baby That May Be Deemed 'An Inconvenience' by the 'Mother.' Since then, over 4,000 babies are killed every day in our […]
“If we live 10,000 lifetimes we will not be able to prune this tree of injustice” – Philip K. ???? ???? Howard- “We must concentrate on the ‘roots’ and start digging…” – F.W. Houraney –
Egyptian beats pregnant wife to death for not voting for Muslim Brotherhood An Egyptian plumber in Alexandria beat his pregnant wife to death upon learning that she had not voted for Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohammed Mursi, reported the Egyptian […]
Sorry Bill, you have just lost the only number one title you ever has as a President. First Obama knocked out Jimmy Carter as 'The Worst President' and now he has taken Bill Clinton's title of The 'Most Disgraceful President' […]
– The Bottom Line – Anyone who has doubts about whether or not Obama and Holder knew all along about Fast & Furious should turn around and follow the same 'yellow brick road' back to reality. These people would still […]
On August 20, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson (Georgetown Law School) signed the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Now for the first time, a person who was not elderly or disabled could receive a living from the American government. (The American […]
Obama taking credit for killing Bin Laden is the same as Nixon taking credit for going to the moon… – The Bottom Line – If anyone thinks that Obama was 'courageous' giving the order to kill Bin Laden, then either […]
– The Bottom Line – Every time I think that Islam has stooped to 'as low as it can go', they prove me wrong. There's no doubt that when it comes to the record for death and destruction, Islam stands […]
– The Bottom Line – That's right Americans, you bailed out GM to the tune of 50 BILLION DOLLARS and this is what you get for it. Be sure to have a barf bag close by when you watch this […]
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama recently hosted a reception for radical homosexual activists at the White House. Approximately 500 pro-homosexual and radical homosexual activists attended the reception on Friday marking “LGBT Pride Month.” WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on […]
When recalling my early trials with my father, I’m reminded of a great quote attributed to Mark Twain: “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. […]