Video: FOXO – The Gene That Slows Aging
– My Take – Keep everything else, give me my FOXO! My mother tells me that my grandmother said she was going to die since she was about 40 years old. My grandfather had a stroke at 84. He left […]
– My Take – Keep everything else, give me my FOXO! My mother tells me that my grandmother said she was going to die since she was about 40 years old. My grandfather had a stroke at 84. He left […]
– My Take – I am almost at the point of giving up. Why upset myself caring about the future of America? Maybe I’ll make my life easier and just Google porn and Charlie Sheen… Just about every day of […]
– My Take – Quick quiz; Who is Marty Cooper? Well don’t feel bad if you don’t know because 99.99% of your fellow Americans never heard of him either, including yours truly. Quick quiz; Who is Charlie Sheen? ??? 1xbet […]
Here’s a pretty easy questions and the only prerequisite you need to get it right is just a little common sense; Do real Muslims want to become American? The key word in question is ‘real’. A real Muslim follows Sharia […]
– My Take – Only The Cult of Islam can produce the kind of subhuman that is capable of entering a home and butchering a whole family, including a 3 month old baby – FOR NO REASON! Only The Cult […]
HYPOCRITE – hyp·o·crite – noun –a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. — Synonyms: deceiver, pretender, democrat, liberal, […]
On 3/10/2011 10:20 AM, MH emailed: Congressman King: I grew up a block from Bill O’Reilly on LI. I still have many friends there. They all suggested I write you. I am a Christian American of Middle Eastern decent. I […]
Ruger is coming out with a new pistol in honor of Obama. It will be named the “Union Worker”. It doesn’t work and you can’t fire it. Michael
– My Take – In April 2010, the Libyan president Gaddafi praised Obama: “Barakeh Obama is friend…” “He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported….” To those who deny reality I say; “Wake up and grow up”. This […]
– My Take – Full Disclosure: I am not a fan of lawyers (the understatement of the century – see GLOOG). And the reason I am not a fan is the same reason that I kissed the floor at the […]
– My Take – I’m most likely in the bottom 10% of political commentators when it comes to non fiction political books. The ones I do read are by those who I consider brilliant not because of the author’s education […]
– My Take – Islam – The Diarrhea of Civilization. Is there really any other way to label a group that has for over 1400 years committed atrocities that are unthinkable to any human being. (Don’t insult my intelligence by […]
– My Take – Didn’t watch Fox or any news this week. Didn’t listen to talk radio this week. I refuse to be part of this disgraceful display of a media dominated by robotic hosts and Pre-K mentality sheeple that […]
– My Take – I am always leery when an intellectual starts talking. Most of the time, they are more concerned with displaying how knowledgeable and intellectual they are than addressing the question and providing a real solution. As usual […]
– My Take – Ever wonder how the greatest country in history could ever be bankrupting ITSELF? The whole world has looked to America for over 100 years for just about everything from security to bread on the table. Think […]
– My Take – The more I hear our elite ‘Ivy League educated’ officials pontificate and the more I witness the failures of these academic morons, the more obvious it becomes that higher education in America is becoming a joke. […]