Islam in Iraq: Thank You America…
– My Take – “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. And so after 1400 years, Islam is still hating and Islam is still killing. That’s what it is. That’s what it does. That’s what it will always be. […]
– My Take – “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. And so after 1400 years, Islam is still hating and Islam is still killing. That’s what it is. That’s what it does. That’s what it will always be. […]
– My Take – “Just this week another pastor and I met with a young wife and mother of three children whose husband decided after 15 years of marriage that he is a woman. He filed for divorce and simultaneously […]
– My Take – It’s despicable, it’s sickening, and it’s suicidal. Homosexuals initiated one of the world’s most deadly diseases and yet everyone goes out of their way to endorse this perversion and indeed give them special privileges that most […]
– My Take – Thank You God for the very few MEN that are left in the Governments of the world. In a sane world, we would be hearing this type of speech every day of the week in every […]
– My Take – The question is now whether or not the liberals are finished with Obama. If they are, then they and their media juggernaut, will allow justice to take its course. If they still want to hang on […]
– My Take – How many times have you shaken your head in disbelief about how ‘your’ government is so inept and they can so consistently screw up just about everything? An analogy is in order here so that ‘we […]
Yes, Thanksgiving is a time of celebration – a time to thank God for the bounty He has provided so generously to us. But it’s always a good time to pray – to pray for victory, to pray for safety, […]
– My Take – A Muslim is a Muslim whether he’s in a cave in Pakistan or in Dearborn Michigan. The common denominator is the teachings of Mohamed and the Koran. Any real believer and follower of these teachings […]
– My Take – Finally. A ‘moderate’ Muslim. ???? ?????? Well not really. ‘A moderate Muslim’ is a description made up by those who never bother with the facts. To them it doesn’t matter what the Koran says or […]
– My Take – Yes they are winning. We go to Iraq and Afghanistan and we kill a few. For everyone we kill, their wives give birth to 10 more. Does anyone with half a brain cell think that we […]
– My Take – I say often that I am ashamed to be a part of a society so weak and so stupid. Look at this picture of the Nun being searched. In case you you haven’t seen it, check […]
– My Take – The atrocities continue. The poor Christians in Egypt have been persecuted by Islam for over 1400 years. Nothing has changed other than we now have pictures and videos of Islam ‘the religion of peace’ or more […]
– My Take – Thank God there were no Korans in the houses! Who cares about Christian homes and Christian people as long as no books written by a warlord pedophile were burnt! Shame on the world media and […]
– My Take – Often I mention how the Good Guys are Weak and Stupid. They have allowed their once black and white world to be painted gray by the Bad Guys. I know, it’s a pretty simple viewpoint. […]
– My Take – How despicable is the first Muslim Lawyer President? This is how: As tens of thousands of Muslims in Mecca shouted “death to America and death to Israel, Barack Hussein Obama sent them greetings and wished all […]