They are Winning.
– My Take – I say often that I am ashamed to be a part of a society so weak and so stupid. Look at this picture of the Nun being searched. In case you you haven’t seen it, check […]
– My Take – I say often that I am ashamed to be a part of a society so weak and so stupid. Look at this picture of the Nun being searched. In case you you haven’t seen it, check […]
– My Take – The atrocities continue. The poor Christians in Egypt have been persecuted by Islam for over 1400 years. Nothing has changed other than we now have pictures and videos of Islam ‘the religion of peace’ or more […]
– My Take – Thank God there were no Korans in the houses! Who cares about Christian homes and Christian people as long as no books written by a warlord pedophile were burnt! Shame on the world media and […]
– My Take – Often I mention how the Good Guys are Weak and Stupid. They have allowed their once black and white world to be painted gray by the Bad Guys. I know, it’s a pretty simple viewpoint. […]
– My Take – How despicable is the first Muslim Lawyer President? This is how: As tens of thousands of Muslims in Mecca shouted “death to America and death to Israel, Barack Hussein Obama sent them greetings and wished all […]
– My Take – They have affected and improved life for almost every single human being on this earth, every day of the week, 52 weeks a year. They have created billionaires, millionaires, middle class family incomes and indeed […]
– My Take – When America was America, we all stood up in class and were proud to be able to say the Pledge of Allegiance to our country, the greatest country in the history of the world. Then we […]
– My Take – The U.S. government (Your tax money) has provided about $18 billion in civilian and military aid to Pakistan since the Sept. 11, 2001. And what do we get for such generosity? We get exactly what the […]
– My Take – Think this could never happen in America? Well that is exactly what the British thought just a few years ago. That’s right. This picture of another gross Islamic ‘tradition’ was taken in ENGLAND! What a sick […]
– My Take – Of course the answer is ‘President of the United States’. (Swallow that for a minute.) My position ( Obama admits not being born in Hawaii) on this: I don’t claim to be an expert on this. […]
– My Take – The first (and last) Muslim president. Like his brother Muslims, this man makes no bones about his disdain and disrespect for real religions. As pointed out in NARCISSIST IN CHIEF , there is no limit to […]
– My Take – Too disgusted to comment. – THE PICTURES SAY IT ALL – THIS IS ISLAM – WARNING! – Graphic Photos – From Atlas Shrugs: On October 21, Muslims seized a church in Iraq, and kidnapped and slaughtered […]
– My Take – Caliph Abu Bakr sent to a Persian commander before a battle in 636 bears. It read: You should convert to Islam, and then you will be safe, for if you don’t, you should know that I […]
– My Take – To begin let us return to the 19th century: In 1885, German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz designed and built the world’s first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine. On January 29, 1886, Benz […]
– My Take – I have to confess, Islam never ceases to amaze me. They couldn’t write this stuff in a movie and make it believable. And it’s all there in black & white in the Koran. The backbone and […]
When I was trick or treating, our only concern was who would get the most candy. Halloween was 4 days in York, Pennsylvania and you only went trick or treating at night. Maybe Peter Pan and Michael Jackson were on […]