A Simple Sign. Any Questions?
– My Take – Pam Geller. Remember this name. She is one of the few people who will be remembered as a 21st Century heroin when history records The War for Civilization. She does it again today with this simple […]
– My Take – Pam Geller. Remember this name. She is one of the few people who will be remembered as a 21st Century heroin when history records The War for Civilization. She does it again today with this simple […]
– My Take – When ‘What is the only job in America where no ID is required?‘ was posted, I was focusing on the birth certificate issue and the eligibility issue that is still not resolved. What most don’t realize […]
My Take – So simple. Yet three quarters of the entire world population don’t get it. I’ve always said that God made us “stupid about life” for a very good reason; life is just so very fragile that if you […]
– My Take – Can it get any easier than this? Right off the bat I imagine that this is a no brainer for 1.5 billion Muslims who have are so ‘knowledgeable’ about the Koran and the Hadith. Then there’s […]
– My Take – Wafa Sultan is one of the people who I ‘affectionately’ refer to as one of “The 5 Pillars of Islam”. She is one of the top 5 Muslims who are exposing to the world to the […]
– My Take – How embarrassing does it get? How sad is this day in American ‘journalism/media’ ? How ignorant and naive are ‘we’ with an enemy whose most noble religious act is to kill us and our children in […]
– My Take – “Lessons for the west” LOL Yeh Right! The west has been given lesson after bloody lesson for 1400 years and the result is most of them still consider Islam a religion of peace! ?????????? ????? There […]
– My Take – I had the good/bad fortune to have grown up in the ‘decade of turmoil’; the 1960s. I can remember like yesterday all the ‘love childs, children of God, and peace-nicks’ protesting and acting like drugged out […]
– My Take – I guess one could say that ‘the chapter has now closed’ on that brief part of history known as ‘The War to End All Wars’; WWI. The passing of Frank Buckles was of course historic but […]
Results of the People’s Magazine vote for the most Beautiful Eyes 2011 The 5th prize goes to Giada DeLaurentiis The 4th prize goes to Charlize Theron The 3th prize goes to Kristin Kreuk The 2nd prize goes to Angelina Jolie […]
– My Take – And so the King Hearings are over and once again ‘the good guys’ submitted to the enemy. Nothing was accomplished because King did not dare to expose the truth which any honest hearings would have done. […]
– My Take – OK They are not better than a doctor because they will not give you the prescription you need. WAIT! I forgot. You can get just about any medicine you need Online these days, no prescription needed! […]
– My Take – Marty Cooper, Steve Jobs , Bill Gates, Edison, Bell, Ford, Tesla, The Wright Bros. Salk, Curie et al. All these great innovators and inventors have effected just about everyone who lives on this earth; 24 hours […]
– My Take – Keep everything else, give me my FOXO! My mother tells me that my grandmother said she was going to die since she was about 40 years old. My grandfather had a stroke at 84. He left […]
– My Take – I am almost at the point of giving up. Why upset myself caring about the future of America? Maybe I’ll make my life easier and just Google porn and Charlie Sheen… Just about every day of […]
– My Take – Quick quiz; Who is Marty Cooper? Well don’t feel bad if you don’t know because 99.99% of your fellow Americans never heard of him either, including yours truly. Quick quiz; Who is Charlie Sheen? ??? 1xbet […]