Alan West – Ron Klein: Debate
– My Take – It really wasn’t fair. Ever try to explain something with a lie? Very difficult for most, except of course lawyers. Ever try to explain something with the truth. That’s right, no contest. And so it was […]
– My Take – It really wasn’t fair. Ever try to explain something with a lie? Very difficult for most, except of course lawyers. Ever try to explain something with the truth. That’s right, no contest. And so it was […]
– My Take – Think about what the headline here says. Think about the propaganda factor here. Think about how Islam spits in the face of Jews and Christians and thinks nothing of it. Think about this headline: – Jews […]
– My Take – Unbelievable! This first of a kind debate about Islam and NO Major Media presented the story! Why? Because the the audience after the debate did what anyone does after being presented with the facts; rejected the […]
– My Take – Just in case you are still confused about what this Arizona Law thing is all about, the video below does a real food job at laying out the facts and the realities. Once again the Muslim […]
Have you ever examined the list of taxes on your phone bill? The government gets about a 20-30% cut of every phone in the country. (Think about that for a second. Approx. 290 million phones x $10 each /month – […]
– My Take – It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Alan Keyes, or as I refer to him ; The Michelangelo of Oratory. This man is without equal when it comes to giving a speech or just […]
– My Take – First allow me to congratulate the whores, atheists, abortionists and homosexuals on their tremendous successes since 1963 when they began their march towards Gomorrah and the destruction of the American family by eliminating school prayer. The […]
– My Take – What the hell is the matter with these people??? Don’t they ever watch the news? Don’t they ever read a paper?? Don’t they ever pick up a history book?? Are they completely oblivious to the evil […]
– My Take – On August 20, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson (Georgetown Law School) signed the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Now for the first time, a woman didn’t need a husband to support her and her baby. ???? ???? […]
– My Take – So let’s see now. Back in February 2009 a New York man beheaded his wife because she filed for divorce. (The nerve of that woman rejecting her husbands abuse even though it is with Allah’s blessing.) […]
– My Take – What has caused more long term destruction -the Atom-bomb or U. S. Government welfare programs created to buy the votes of those who want something for nothing? Here’s the reality, you be the judge. By the way, don’t […]
– My Take – Amazes me how little if any voice is heard from liberals and especially the ‘women’s’ movement about these poor female slaves. Proof of this movement’s real intent which is a separate issue altogether. For now, this […]
– My Take – I just posted the article about the exclusive ‘The Scum of American Club’ (SAC) and low and behold the very next day a charter member makes national headlines for what else; displaying what it takes to […]
– My Take – You can agree or not agree with the politics or opinions of Glenn Beck. But one thing is without dispute; this man is one of, if not THE BEST TEACHER and PUBLIC EDUCATOR in the history […]
– My Take – In a real America, the DAM (Disgraceful American Media), individually and as a company, would long ago been brought up on charges of sedition if not treason. It is baffling how this media of American citizens […]
– My Take – Again it takes a woman to stand up to the DAM and the Islamic subhumans. Republican candidate (North Carolina 2nd Congressional District) Renee Ellmers is under attack for a 30 second campaign ad which was released […]