Cut The Crap! We’re All Colored!
– My Take – I challenge anyone to tell me that his skin has no color! that’s right, no matter what ‘hue’ what ‘shade’ what ‘pigment’ what ‘ANYTHING’ – they all can be found on a COLORCHART! ????? ???? ??????? […]
– My Take – I challenge anyone to tell me that his skin has no color! that’s right, no matter what ‘hue’ what ‘shade’ what ‘pigment’ what ‘ANYTHING’ – they all can be found on a COLORCHART! ????? ???? ??????? […]
– My Take – I never would have imagined that the Oval Office could get any more disgraced than it did with Bill Clinton. Well the present inhabitant has managed to pull it off with ' flying, lying colors.' Adding […]
– My Take – ( An American goes up to a Frenchman and asks him ” Do you speak German”? The Frenchman says “No”. The American replies “Your Welcome”!) America is the only country in the history of the world […]
– My Take – I’ve always said that I was going to sue my college for a refund on my tuition. Here’s another example of something I totally cannot understand even though I have a degree in Finance from a […]
KUHNER: Radical Islam’s conquest of America Posted August 5, 2010 By Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Washington Times America is surrendering in the war against radical Islam. This is the real meaning behind the decision to build a 13-story mosque and […]
– My Take – Looks like it’s time to give up our American citizenship so we can be rewarded when we break the law… America 2010 – The Twilight Zone – In Texas Alone, 60,000 Babies of Noncitizens Get U.S. […]
– My Take – What can be said about any business that has published a warning (dictated and mandated by the Government) on its product for over 40 years yet is convicted of deceiving and misleading their customers as if […]
!! WAKE UP ALERT !! The Good Guys have been weak and stupid. They outnumber the Bad Guys 1000 to 1 in America yet they have allowed the Bad Guys to take control of the government and the culture. Keep […]
“This is one of the best videos I have EVER seen. While watching through tear filled eyes and goose bump? ????? ????????? flesh I couldn’t help but wonder where our country is headed and what will it take to get […]
This is chilling… In 1952 President Truman established one day a year as a “National Day of Prayer.” In 1988 President Reagan designated the First Thursday in May of each year as the “National Day of Prayer.” In June 2007 […]
Posted: July 30, 2010 by Larry Klayman Excerpts: This week was marked with a stark reminder why the American people have had it with our system of justice and why the country is on the verge of revolution. First, there […]
‘This is the beginning of the end for the United States unless … ‘ Posted: August 23, 2010 By Bob Unruh Lying, bribing, subverting election laws, payoffs, aiding the nation’s enemies, seeking the abrogation of the U.S. Constitution – which […]
6 American doctors among those murdered Posted By Michelle Malkin • August 8, 2010 A Western team of Christian medical volunteers that provided eye care to poor villagers in remote northeast Afghanistan was lined up, stripped, and shot to death by the […]
!! WAKE UP ALERT !! Obama is just one of Americas Ruling /Privileged class; The lawyers. They now control the legislatures, the courts and the executive branches of ALL local, state, and the the federal governments. ????? ????? ?? ??????? […]
Does Islam Suck? Video by Andrew Klaven In September 2008, Pajamas Media debuted its own online television network – PJTV – that broadcasts daily from studios in Los Angeles, Washington DC, New York, Denver, Knoxville and Tel Aviv. It’s never […]
!! WAKE UP CALL !! It’s called ‘Taquyia’ (lying to preserve and advance the reputation of Muslims and Islam) It is a mandate from the Koran/Allah to ALL Muslims to lie to anyone at anytime in order to advance Islam. […]