The War on Death Wages On
– The Bottom Line – "Our enemies throughout the ages have come and gone. Only one has remained. And since the very beginning it has declared war on us and it has won each and every battle. There have been […]
– The Bottom Line – "Our enemies throughout the ages have come and gone. Only one has remained. And since the very beginning it has declared war on us and it has won each and every battle. There have been […]
– The Bottom Line – The major weapon in WWIII, the War on Islam, is propaganda. Except for the period during the Crusades, Islam has dominated and controlled most of the propaganda over its 1400 year history. Nothing has changed, […]
– The Bottom Line – One of my best friends is from Palestine and he says he is a Muslim. He attends the mosque regularly and swears his loyalty to Islam. He is one of the nicest and most considerate […]
– The Bottom Line – The Koran and The Hadith together represent the word of Allah, the Islamic god and the teachings of Mohamed, the Islamic prophet. To be a 'Good' Muslim one must follow these books faithfully. ???? ??????? […]
– The Bottom Line – Think about this; You're 37 tears old and have just leaped from a car washer to the Number One Star on TV winning one million dollars and headlining your own show at Caesars Palace in […]
– The Bottom Line – It all comes down to human nature; everything. It is an easy bet that a spoiled child will become more demanding and less appreciative as he grows up. And like the spoiled child, the […]
– The Bottom Line – On September 11, 2001 Islam achieved a success beyond it's wildest dreams. Not only did it rid it's world of over 3000 'infidels' in one day, but the unprecedented mass murder and destruction achieved what […]
Bush was visiting a Florida classroom and the incident, which was caught on TV film, and has often been used by critics to ridicule his apparently blank face. "My first reaction was anger. Who the hell would do that to […]
– The Bottom Line – "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." – Albert Einstein Of course Einstein was dead on with this observation. But I differ with just about most people including […]
– The Bottom Line – Correct me if I am wrong, but terror has existed since the beginning of mankind. And mankind has attempted to rid the world of terror since the beginning of mankind. 888 sport So since […]
– The Bottom Line – Just about anyone who labeled the rebellions in the Middle East 'The Arab Spring' is beyond being a jack ass. At least jack asses know better than to go near fire once they have been […]
– The Bottom Line – Many years ago we were playing flag football and our teammate ran about 50 yards and scored the winning touchdown that made us champions and un-defeated for the season. We were so ecstatic that my […]
Texas Governor Rick Perry made loser pays the law of the land in Texas by signing H.B. 274 in May. Besides the obvious common sense of it all, the economic appeal of loser pays is already paying off and comes […]
– The Bottom Line – This is an excellent review of the 'Muslim Lawyer in Chief's integrity, performance, and narcissism. THIS IS BRILLIANT….AND COMES FROM A DEMOCRAT!! Here's an opinion piece by Chuck Green who writes "Greener Pastures" for […]
– The Bottom Line – I am glad and proud that I was lucky enough to have grown in New York. New Yorkers always just seemed to ‘get it’ more than most of their American brothers. Maybe because they were […]
Back Story & Full Disclosure: Both of my grandfathers were originally from Syria. Both became US citizens and raised their families here. In 1991 I went to the Israel on business and decided to visit Syria, the land of my […]