Obama: Muslim missionary?
– My Take – When it comes to this subject, the old saying ‘can’t see the forest from the trees’ comes to mind. Of course the forest is that Obama is a Muslim and the trees are all his words […]
– My Take – When it comes to this subject, the old saying ‘can’t see the forest from the trees’ comes to mind. Of course the forest is that Obama is a Muslim and the trees are all his words […]
– My Take – It’s been six years since the Beslan Massacre – what some have referred to as Russia’s 9/11 – where over 1,000 men, women and children were taken hostage at a school for three days. In the end, […]
Kudos to the guys over at I Want Your Money website. ??????? ??? ???? Excellent educational piece on the nations economy and how Washington is inept at implementing any rational solutions. ???? ???? ???? Set against the backdrop of […]
September 02, 2010 by Pamela Geller The internationalist in chief, single minded in his focus upon relinquishing American sovereignty to international law (the UN), is at war with America. America is under attack from within at the highest levels of […]
– My Take – Why are The Good Guys Weak and Stupid? First, they are uneducated about the enemy. ???? ??????? ??? ??? Second, they cannot imagine that such evil could still exist. And third, and this applies primarily […]
– My Take – It is an undisputed/documented fact that Islam uses their mosques as meeting and planning centers for their war against the infidels, (that would be us). Here Ms. Brigitte Gabrielle lays it out for all who just […]
Along with Nonie Darwish and Pamella Geller, Brigitte Gabriel is one of the three bravest woman of our generation. She lives with her family in seclusion and travels with bodyguards. Daily death threats from ‘The Religion of Peace’ have become […]
– My Take – Trust a woman to tell it like it is ! These are troubling times. This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim. Take a long hard look at this one ‘Muslim Woman’s’ essay […]
Wow – America 2010: Reading pre-written material by someone else from a scrolling teleprompter now makes you qualify as brilliant! OK so I'm old fashioned, I keep relying on that old dead 'stupid' guy Merriam Webster; bril·liant – adjective […]
– My Take – Any ‘memorial’ built on Ground Zero is a monument to the success of the 19 subhumans and the success of 1400 years of jihad which has murdered millions of innocent people in the name of Islam. […]
– My Take – Only in the satanic ideology of Islam could this idea even be proposed. Hard to believe there’s even a conversation about this. ????? ???? ?????? This is beyond The Good Guys; ‘Weak and Stupid’. Perhaps […]
For those who still don’t believe Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, here are the facts. No opinions, just his own words and actions after taking office. If this list still doesn’t convince you, then please give my regards to […]
!! WAKE UP ALERT !! Started to re-post this great article by Dale Hurd over at CBN when I realized, that the warning is too late! This is New York City 2010 !! (click to enlarge) ‘Islamization’ of Paris a […]
– This is Islam – The Muslim groups are fighting for credit for killing these two Jewish couples in cold blood. One woman was pregnant but that means nothing to these subhuman Islamists; ‘ The terrorists reportedly made sure […]
!! Wake Up Alert !! The 17 year old girl was accused of having sex with a man outside of marriage and was stoned to death, when the video (due to all the cell phone footage) got out, the UN […]
– My Take – I know, ‘not all Muslims are terrorists’. I get it. In fact 2 of my best friends are/think they are, Muslims. One of them told me about the butcher pedophile Mohammad over 30 years ago before […]